Career Builder

English Proficiency Certificate is a certificate that you can get from your current university where the university will write about the language of instruction is English during your study. Academic institutions require English proficiency letters of non-native English speaking persons who wish to get admission in an English-speaking around the world. This letter specify the scholarship office that your last degree was taught in English Medium. For that purpose, you must ask for “English Proficiency Certificate” from your past or current university registrar office.

How Does an English Proficiency Letter Look? ​

Content of English Proficiency Letter

An English proficiency letter contains a clear statement by the writer that certifies the individual in question possesses sufficient English skills. This statement uses language like “I certify that…” or “This letter confirms…” . A description of qualifying evidence follows, such as the dates the person attended English language classes or the number of years he studied in an English-speaking environment. Explaining in detail the types of assignments and tasks the person performed gives the letter recipient an idea of how the letter writer interprets “proficiency.” So, for example, a university could note that he required students to write all class work, assignments and lectures and group discussion in English.

Format of English Proficiency Letter

Direct English proficiency letters get to the point quickly. They are short and contain only one or two brief paragraphs. They may list a person’s grades, certification or training and then end with encouraging the reader to contact him if he encounters any problems. Contact information is vital as it verifies the writer’s authority, and it belongs at either the bottom or top of the letter. English proficiency letters can take a more creative approach and detail experiences that helped develop an individual’s English skills or demonstrate the person’s proficiency in some other way.

Tips For English Proficiency Letter

Although sample English proficiency letters that simply require filling in the blanks are available online, letter writers should be wary of simply copying a ready-made proficiency letter, as the person receiving the letter may recognize it as such. Some institutions, such as colleges, receive thousands of English proficiency letters as parts of applications for degree programs and may be able to tell if a person has copied a letter off the Internet. Original English proficiency letters suggest that if the letter writer has put effort into the letter, chances are the letter’s claims are valid. Also, original letters prove the English proficiency of the writer himself, which also helps verify his claims about the individual for whose English abilities he is vouching.

Templates of English Proficiency Letter

Template 1

Template 2

Template 3

Template 4