Apply for Milk Sampler Certification

To obtain a Weigher/Sampler license through the PA Milk Marketing Board—in order to perform in-field sampling of raw milk for pasteurization—you must first obtain field certification of the sampling procedures.

About certification

An approved Sampler certification allows you to collect milk or milk product samples to send to a PA Approved Dairy Laboratory for testing. Certified Samplers do not need to weigh the samples or have a PMMB license.

The Department will publish a list of certifications every quarter. These certifications expire after 24 months, plus any remaining days of the expiration month. If your name isn't on the list, your certification has expired for over a year. Please use the Regional Contact Map to schedule your re-certification.

Sampler definitions

Contact us

Karie Williams
Food Program Specialist, Milk Program

Phillip Harchack
Food Program Specialist, LEO Program