The Ultimate Guide to Donation Letters (+ 11 Templates included!)

A donation letter is a written request or appeal sent by a nonprofit organization to potential donors. Typically, the letter is sent to ask for financial or in-kind contributions, which will be used to support the nonprofit’s mission

What should a donation letter include?

Every nonprofit is different — meaning every donation letter might differ, depending on the goals and mission of the nonprofit sending it. But, there are a few important things that every donation letter should include:

When should you send donation request letters?

Sending donation request letters at strategic times can maximize their impact. Here are some tips for when to send a donation letter:

Who should you send donation request letters to?

Typically, nonprofits segment their recipients using a CRM, and sort them into specific groups for more targeted messaging,

Here are some key groups to consider sending your donation request letters to:

How to send fundraising letters

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all all to sending fundraising letters. When deciding which format you want to use, you’ll need to consider your audience and objectives.

For example, if your target audience includes Gen X and Boomers, they might prefer email or letters, whereas Millennials might prefer something more mobile-friendly.

Regardless of your audience, here are a few common ways to send fundraising letters:


Sending fundraising letters via eCards involves selecting an eCard platform, personalizing the eCard with your organization's branding and message, and including a donation link or call-to-action button.

Once customized, the eCard can be sent to recipients via email or shared on social media.


Sending fundraising letters via email is one of the simplest and most impactful ways to make donation requests. In fact, email messaging accounted for 26% of all nonprofit online revenue in 2023.

Typically, these emails highlight your organization's mission, impact, and the importance of support and include a clear call-to-action prompting recipients to donate, along with a clickable donation link.

Direct mail

Sending fundraising letters via direct mail involves designing and printing physical donation letters, envelopes, and reply forms. Usually, each letter is personalized with the recipient's name and address and provides clear instructions for making a donation by mail.

While snail mail is often considered a medium of the past, last yer, 24% of Boomers gave to a charity because of direct mail they received.

How to write a donation request letter

When writing a donation request letter, you’ll need to follow a few key steps:

11 Types of Fundraising Letters (+ Templates)

1. Seasonal Fundraising Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

As the [season] season approaches, we're reminded of the power of giving and the impact it can have on our community. At [Nonprofit Name], this is a special time of year when we come together to [briefly describe your nonprofit's mission and the work you do during this season].

Today we're reaching out to ask for your support during this season of giving. Your donation will help us [describe how funds will be used, such as providing meals, gifts, shelter, or support services].

Giving is easy. You can make a donation online at [URL], send a check to [address], or contact us for other giving options. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.

Thank you for considering our request. We hope you'll join us in making this season special for everyone in our community. If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [Contact Information].

2. School Fundraising Letters

[School Logo/ Letterhead]

Dear [Recipient Name],

We at [School Name] are excited to launch our latest fundraising campaign, and we need your help! Our goal is to raise [amount] to support [specific purpose, like new equipment, a field trip, or scholarships]. With your support, we can [impact of donation: create a better learning environment for our students, provide them with more opportunities to grow, etc.].

You can donate online at [URL], send a check to [address], or attend our upcoming fundraising event, [event name], on [date]. We'd love to see you there!

Your support is crucial to our success, and we're grateful for any contribution you can make. If you'd like to learn more about our campaign or have any questions, please contact us at [Contact Information].

Thank you for being a valued member of our school community. Together, we can make a positive impact on our students' education and future.

3. Church Fundraising Letters

[Church Logo/ Letterhead]

Dear [Recipient Name],

We at [Church Name] are reaching out to ask for your support in our latest fundraising effort. As we work to strengthen our church community and further our mission, we rely on generous contributions from members like you.

Our goal is to raise [amount] to support [specific project: church renovations, community outreach, a special event, etc.], and we hope we can count on you to help.

You can donate online at [URL], send a check to [address], or bring your donation to our office.

Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness.

4. In-Kind Donation Request Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

We hope this message finds you well. At [Nonprofit Name], we're committed to [briefly describe your nonprofit's mission], and we're reaching out because we need your support. We're seeking in-kind donations to help us [explain the specific purpose, like hosting an event, supporting a program, or supplying resources to those in need], and we think you could help us make a difference.

In-kind donations are a great way to contribute without giving money directly. Here's what we're looking for:

If you'd like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us at [Contact Information]. We'll be happy to arrange a time for you to drop off your donation or discuss how you can support us. If you need more information about our current needs or how in-kind donations benefit our nonprofit, we're here to answer your questions.

Thank you for considering our request. Your support is vital to our success, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

5. Matching Gift Fundraising Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

We at [Nonprofit Name] have exciting news! You can double your impact by taking advantage of your employer's matching gift program. Many companies offer this benefit, where they match charitable contributions made by their employees, sometimes dollar-for-dollar or even more, and we want to help you make the most of this opportunity.

Here's how matching gifts work:

Your matched donation can go twice as far in supporting our mission to [describe your nonprofit's mission or a specific project]. With these additional funds, we can [highlight the impact, such as helping more people, expanding programs, or purchasing new equipment].

If you're not sure whether your employer offers a matching gift program, we can help! Contact us at [Contact Information], and we'll guide you through the process. Remember, even if you're retired, your former employer might still offer matching gifts.

Thank you for your continued support. With your help and the power of matching gifts, we can achieve even greater things. We look forward to seeing your impact doubled!

6. Recurring Gift Fundraising Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

We hope this message finds you well. At [Nonprofit Name], we are dedicated to [describe your mission]. Thanks to supporters like you, we have made significant strides in [briefly mention a recent accomplishment or project]. But there's still much to do, and we need your ongoing support to continue making a difference.

We invite you to become a sustaining donor by setting up a recurring gift. With a recurring donation, you can make a consistent impact on our work, allowing us to plan ahead and invest in long-term projects. It's an easy and effective way to support our mission, and it provides us with the stability we need to grow.

To set up a recurring gift, visit our donation page at [URL], choose the "recurring" option, and select how often you'd like to give. You can adjust your donation at any time, and you'll receive a tax-deductible receipt for each contribution.

Thank you for considering a recurring gift. Your support is invaluable to us, and we are grateful for your generosity. If you have any questions or need assistance setting up your donation, please feel free to contact us at [Contact Information].

Together, we can [describe the positive impact]. Thank you for being part of our community.

7. Capital Campaign Fundraising Letters

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are excited to share some fantastic news with you! At [Nonprofit Name], we are launching a capital campaign to [describe the purpose of the campaign, such as building a new facility, expanding existing programs, or purchasing equipment]. This campaign will allow us to [describe the expected impact and benefits for the community or those served by your organization].

To make this vision a reality, we need your help. Our goal is to raise [campaign goal amount] by [deadline date], and your support can make a significant difference. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Make a Donation: Any amount you contribute will bring us closer to our goal. You can make a one-time donation or pledge a larger amount over time. Visit our campaign page at [URL] to make your contribution.
  2. Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues. You can use social media, email, or word-of-mouth to encourage others to support our cause.
  3. Join Our Events: We will be hosting special events as part of the campaign, and we'd love to see you there. Keep an eye on our website and newsletters for upcoming dates.

Your donation to our capital campaign is more than just a contribution—it's an investment in the future of [describe the specific impact]. We appreciate any support you can offer, and we are grateful for your commitment to our mission.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your contribution, please don't hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information]. Together, we can achieve something truly extraordinary.

8. Annual Fund Fundraising Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

As this year draws to a close, we at [Nonprofit Name] reflect on the incredible impact we've made together. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we've been able to [briefly describe accomplishments from the past year]. To continue this momentum into the new year, we're asking for your help to support our Annual Fund.

The Annual Fund is crucial to our mission. It provides us with the resources to maintain our ongoing programs, start new initiatives, and address unexpected challenges. This support allows us to [describe the importance of the Annual Fund, such as filling gaps in funding, providing emergency support, or maintaining staff].

We're reaching out to you because your support has been invaluable to us. By contributing to our Annual Fund, you're helping to ensure that we can continue to [describe the work your nonprofit does].

Please consider making a donation to our Annual Fund. You can give online at [URL], or you can send a check to [Mailing Address]. Any amount, no matter how small, makes a difference.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to [Nonprofit Name]. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at [Contact Information]. We are grateful for your generosity and look forward to partnering with you to make the upcoming year even more impactful.

9. Corporate Sponsorship Letters

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are reaching out to you on behalf of [Nonprofit Name] with an exciting opportunity for your company to make a meaningful impact in our community. As a leader in the [industry] industry, we believe your partnership could help us achieve our mission of [briefly describe your nonprofit's mission].

We're inviting you to become a corporate sponsor for [specific event or initiative] as part of our ongoing efforts to [describe the project or cause]. By becoming a sponsor, your company will have a unique opportunity to engage with our audience, build brand awareness, and demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility. Here are a few benefits of corporate sponsorship:

We offer various sponsorship packages to fit your company's budget and marketing goals. Each package includes a different level of recognition and benefits, from VIP access to special events to exclusive marketing opportunities.

If you'd like to learn more about becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact us at [Contact Information]. We can provide additional details about our nonprofit, the sponsorship packages, and the impact your support will have.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to discussing how we can work together to make a difference.

10. Donor Thank-You Letters

Dear [Donor Name],

On behalf of everyone at [Nonprofit Name], I want to express our sincere gratitude for your recent donation of [amount or description of the donation]. Your support is crucial to our work, and we are thrilled to have you as part of our community.

Thanks to your generosity, we can [briefly describe the impact of the donation, such as funding a specific program, helping a certain number of people, or achieving a recent milestone]. This is only possible because of thoughtful contributions like yours.

We'd like to keep you updated on the progress we're making, thanks to your support. You can expect periodic updates on our work, upcoming events, and other ways you can get involved. If you'd like to learn more about other ways to support our mission, feel free to contact us at [Contact Information].

Thank you once again for your generous donation. It’s because of people like you that we can continue to [describe the nonprofit's mission]. If you have any questions or need further information, we're here to help.

11. Fundraising Update Letters

Dear [Recipient Name],

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We wanted to share some exciting news with you! Thanks to your support and the contributions from our amazing community, our recent fundraising efforts have made a significant impact on our mission to [briefly describe your nonprofit's mission].

Here are a few highlights from our latest campaign:

Your support has made all this possible, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity. Because of your commitment, we can continue to [describe what your nonprofit is doing with the funds raised].

We also want to let you know about our upcoming plans. Over the next few months, we aim to [describe a new goal or project]. Your ongoing support will be crucial as we work towards these new objectives.

If you'd like to stay involved, we invite you to [mention upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, or other ways to contribute]. You can also follow us on [social media platforms] to keep up with our latest news.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information]. We look forward to achieving even more together!

Send donation letters for free with Zeffy

No matter what kind of donation letter you want to send, Zeffy can help. With all-in-one fundraising tools — including free donor management and engagement capabilities like automatic donation receipts and free CRM tools — Zeffy can help your nonprofit succeed, no matter its mission.

While every other platform takes fees away from your mission, Zeffy delivers 100% of it to your nonprofit. In the last year, nonprofits paid $3 billion in transaction fees. With Zeffy, nonprofits can rest assured that they’ll never be charged a cent, and that all donations will go straight to supporting their mission.