Business Continuity Planning Solutions

In an increasingly interconnected world, it’s imperative for you to rethink contingency planning. Transformed global business and operations strategies add new interruption risks to risk portfolios. Building resilient and recoverable operations is more difficult to implement when time is precious and challenges are approaching. PwC’s business continuity planning solutions help you identify, prepare for and prevent events that may disrupt business activities. Working with us, you can develop the plans needed to recover efficiently and effectively including program assessment, implementation, testing, maintenance and training.

Understanding today’s drivers is the first step when planning a business continuity program

Recent industry interruptions

Cyber events and natural disasters have sparked the need to develop more robust recovery plans.

Third-party resiliency

Regulatory guidance now requires transparency into critical third-party resiliency. Third parties may include call centers, IT providers and back office services.

Being a resilient supplier/partner

Regulators and partners are seeking insight into resiliency plans to assure fund availability and portfolio integrity as well as their relative priority during crisis events.

Focus on enterprise-wide governance, risk management and compliance (GRC)

Organizations are increasingly focused on integrated risk and compliance management to reduce compliance cost and provide better risk insight.

Reduced tolerance for downtime

Customers demand 24/7 access to products and services. The new technology has high availability requirements to provide competitive and customized service offerings. Regulators' tolerance for critical system downtime is also diminishing.

Crisis management and social media

Quick identification and internal/external response to crisis events can protect and increase brand value